jQuery Cloner

A jQuery plugin to clone HTML content

 retrieving latest tag. Go to master tag if not loaded.

Getting Started

This guide will help you install and use jQuery Cloner. See deployment for notes on how to deploy this plugin on frontend development on a live website.


via bower: bower install jquery-cloner

via npm: npm install jquery-cloner

or download or clone (pun!) on GitHub.


jQuery Cloner relies on classes and attributes to work.

A simple sample markup:

    <!-- initialize jQuery-Cloner via the `data-toggle=cloner` attribute -->
    <div class="clonable-block" data-toggle="cloner">
        <div class="clonable">
            <label for="attr_1" class="clonable-increment-for">Attribute <span class="clonable-increment-html">1</span></label>
            <input id="attr_1" class="clonable-increment-id clonable-increment-name" type="text" name="attr[0]">
            <button type="button" class="clonable-button-close">Delete</button>
        <button class="clonable-button-add" type="button">Add Attributes</button>

    <!-- jQuery is, of course, a dependency -->
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Our main man here -->
    <script src="jquery-cloner/dist/jquery-cloner.min.js"></script>

In the example above, the data-toggle="cloner" will automatically initialize our clonable-block.

Manual initialization, then, is as easy as:

    // main.js
    (function ($) {


The plugin have options you can modify. Below is the list of options with their default values:

        clonableContainer: '.clonable-block', // the selector to contain all clonables
        clonable: '.clonable',
        addButton: '.clonable-button-add',
        closeButton: '.clonable-button-close',
        focusableElement: ':input:visible:enabled:first', // this targets all possible input elements

        clearValueOnClone: true,
        removeNestedClonablesOnClone: true,
        limitCloneNumbers: true,

        debug: false,

        cloneName: 'clonable-clone',
        sourceName: 'clonable-source',

        clonableCloneNumberDecrement: 'clonable-clone-number-decrement',

        incrementName: 'clonable-increment',
        decrementName: 'clonable-decrement',

        beforeToggle: function (clone, index, self) {},
        afterToggle: function (clone, index, self) {},


| default .clonable-block

The selector that should contain all our clonable elements, including the Add Button.


| default .clonable

The selector (usually a class) of the clonable element. This is the html chunk that will be repeated.


| default .clonable-button-add

The class of the button that will fire the toggle method, prompting the cloning action.


| default .clonable-button-close

The class of the button that will fire the remove method, prompting to remove the clonable element. Important: this element should be inside a clonable element.


| default :input:visible:enabled:first

The attribute or input tag inside a newly cloned clonable to place the cursor over.


| default true

The plugin will clone the last instance of the clonable class. This option will toggle to remove or retain all previous input values.


| default true

Option to remove all clones and only retain the original html markup (or the source).

In the demo below, try to click the `add child` button several times. then click the `add person` button.

Demo | remove all instance of nested cloneName


Hopefully, it removed all clone of source elements you created when you added another Person.


| default false

Switch console.logging on/off.


| default clonable-increment

This option will be used to increment all values inside a clonable. It uses suffixes (html, value, and any attribute like class, id, etc.) to know which integers will be incremented.

Sample use case:

    class="clonable-increment-id clonable-increment-name"

In this example, we have the incrementName of clonable-increment with suffixes -id and -name which corresponds with the input tag's id=attr_1 and name="attr[0]". Performing a clone, therefore will result in:

<input id="attr_1" class="clonable-increment-id clonable-increment-name" type="text" name="attr[0]">
<input id="attr_2" class="clonable-increment-id clonable-increment-name" type="text" name="attr[1]">

Notice the cloned input above have an id=attr_2 and name="attr[1]", incremented from the cloned html.

Demo | Using incrementation


| default clonable-decrement

The reverse of increment.

Demo | Using decrementation


| default true

This option is for limiting the number of clonables.

Note: as of v1.3.1, this option will only work for decrementing clonables

<div class="clonable-block" data-toggle="cloner">
    <div class="clonable clonable-clone-number-decrement" data-clone-number="5">
        <label class="clonable-decrement-html clonable-increment-for" for="topfivethings[0]">Thing #5</label>
        <input id="topfivethings[0]" type="text" class="form-control clonable-increment-id clonable-increment-name" name="topfivethings[0]">
        <button class="btn btn-default clonable-button-close"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></button>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default clonable-button-add pull-right"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add Child</button>

Notice on our clonable is another class called clonable-clone-number-decrement, and we've also added an attribute data-clone-number with the value of 5.

Demo | limit clonables to 5

Top Five Things


| default function ($clone, i, self)

This is a function callback you can hook into before the `cloning` action is fired. It accepts parameters $clone( the clone of the last clonable), index (number of clonables'), and self (a catch-all reference of the jQuery-Cloner itself).

    // html
    <div id="beforeToggle" class="clonable-block">
        <label for="email_1">Emails</label>
        <div class="clonable">
            <div class="form-group">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                        <input id="email_1" type="email" class="form-control clonable-increment-id clonable-increment-placeholder" placeholder="Email #1">
                    <div class="col-sm-2">
                        <button class="btn btn-default clonable-button-close"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></button>
        <button class="btn btn-success clonable-button-add">Add Email</button>

    // main.js
        beforeToggle: function ($clone, i, self) {
            // console.log(self);
            var $container = self.$container;
            if ($clone.find('input:last').val() == "") {
            } else {

Demo | using beforeToggle


| default function ($clone, i, self)

This will fire after the cloning action is triggered.

Demo | using afterToggle

This is a quote generator.


Copy the /dist/*.min.js files to your desired location inside your project

or <script src="jquery-cloner/dist/jquery.cloner.min.js"></script> after jQuery.


The project uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • John Lioneil Dionisio

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Please see the MIT License.
